Sunday 31 January 2010

In praise of Fifties architecture

On a bright sunny day - cold but crisp and clear, I found myself waiting at the bus-stop outside this fine example of municipal architecture.

Once, it was the telephone exchange for Walthamstow, but now it lies derelict.  I love the clean lines, the blocky font, the moulded concrete.  The bright blue sky and skeletal wintry trees help.

Looking at it, I feel nostaglic for a world that probably never really existed. A world where Skylon was the vision of the future and the everyday looked something like a Ladybird book illustration:

Now, here's a nice pipe dream: imagine rescuing the building and turning it into a house, full of long white walls, bright sunlight and Mid-Century Modern furniture. And maybe a roof terrace with bamboo and a deck.  Ah, well, I can dream...

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